

Undergraduate Scholarships

The Kamuzu University of Health Sciences offers two types of Funding:

  1. Government of Malawi through the Higher Education Students’ Loans and Grants Board (HESLGB) offers loans to students.  Interested students are required to apply. For More information visit their website
  1. And a few other scholarships are also available through the office of the Dean of Students.

These scholarships include monetary assistance that the students can use towards settlement of tuition fees, stipend/upkeep, books and other learning materials. These scholarships are offered to KUHeS students by a diverse array of sponsors ranging from individuals to institutions.  This however results in a wide spectrum of scholarships with differing benefits. The selection criteria may include, but need not be limited to:  prior academic performance, financial need, character, ability and Potential.

Guidelines for applying of a scholarship

All scholarship applicants shall write an application letter detailing their suitability for scholarship, with supporting documents which may include, letters of recommendation from local authorities, proof of orphan hood and special awards. The application should then be sent to the Scholarship Officer at Kamuzu University of Health Sciences. Students can also send their application letter with supporting documents to

Nondiscriminatory Clause

No one shall be discriminated on gender, age, color, ethnicity and religion unless specified by donor/sponsor.  

Terms and Conditions for Undergraduate Scholarships
  1. Register each semester of the academic year until completion of the mentioned study program
  1. Complete the mentioned study program within the minimum period as per admission.
  1. Abide by all rules and regulations as they may exist in the Kamuzu University of Health Sciences. Student may lose the scholarship on disciplinary grounds.
  1. Remain on the scholarship for the duration of the sponsorship. No transfers to other scholarships shall be permitted without permission from the Dean of Students. 
  1. Be available and accessible to the department’s designated officials for all matters relating to training and sponsorship.
  1. The student who registers for another program other than the one offered on this scholarship shall lose the scholarship.
  1. The student will be responsible for all other expenses if it is not a full scholarship.
  1. The student repeating the year due to academic results loses the scholarship permanently unless otherwise stated by sponsor/donor.
  1. The sponsorship ceases immediately after the student ceases to be a bonafide Kamuzu University of Health Sciences student.
  1. If a student withdraws towards the end of the semester after the sponsor has already paid the tuition fees, his/her tuition fees will be forfeited and he/she will be asked to pay from his/ her pocket in the following year.
  1. If a student withdraws temporarily   within the first 2 weeks of the first semester when the sponsor has already paid, his/her fees will be held by the university and s/he will use the same fees in the following year, or if the sponsor has not yet paid then the sponsor will be communicated not to pay and resume payment after the student is back.

Some of the undergraduate notable sponsors are as follows:

  • Ring Foundation
  • Test Malawi
  • Rab Processors
  • Alimahomed Hassan Trust
  • Medic-Medic
  • Nchima Trust
  • Dossan Trust
  • Nico Life
  • Kwacha Foundation
  • Soko Foundation
  • Watipa Scholarship
  • First Capital Bank
Postgraduate Scholarships

Postgraduate scholarships are available through the office of the Director of students Affairs.

The scholarships include monetary assistance that the students have used towards settlement of tuition fees, stipend/upkeep, books and other learning materials. These scholarships have been offered to KUHeS students by a diverse array of sponsors ranging from individuals to institutions.  This however has resulted in a wide spectrum of scholarships with differing benefits. The selection criteria may include, but need not be limited to:  prior academic performance, financial need, character, ability and Potential.

Guidelines for applying of a scholarship

All scholarship applicants shall write an application letter detailing their suitability for scholarship and feel in the Postgraduate application form. The application should then be sent to the Director of students affairs at Kamuzu University of Health Sciences. Students can also send their application form and application letter with supporting documents to

Nondiscriminatory Clause

No one shall be discriminated on gender, age, color, ethnicity and religion unless specified by donor/sponsor.  

Terms and Conditions for Postgraduate Scholarships

Terms and conditions are specific to the different scholarships from different donors.

However, these are the general terms and conditions:

  1. Register each semester of the academic year until completion of the mentioned study program
  1. Complete the mentioned study program within the minimum period as per admission.
  1. Abide by all rules and regulations as they may exist in the University of Malawi. Student may lose the scholarship on disciplinary grounds.
  1. Remain on the scholarship for the duration of the sponsorship. No transfers to other scholarships shall be permitted without permission from the Dean of Students. 
  1. Be available and accessible to the department’s designated officials for all matters relating to training and sponsorship.
  1. The student who registers for another program other than the one offered on this scholarship shall lose the scholarship.
  1. The student will be responsible for all other expenses if it is not a full scholarship.
  1. The student repeating the year due to academic results loses the scholarship permanently unless otherwise stated by sponsor/donor.
  1. The sponsorship ceases immediately after the student ceases to be bonafide Kamuzu University of Health Sciences student.
  1. If a student withdraws towards the end of the semester after the sponsor has already paid the tuition fees, his/her tuition fees will be forfeited and he/she will be asked to pay from his/ her pocket in the following year.
  1. If a student withdraws temporarily   within the first 2 weeks of the first semester when the sponsor has already paid, his/her fees will be held by the university and s/he will use the same fees in the following year, or if the sponsor has not yet paid then the sponsor will be communicated not to pay and resume payment after the student is back.