University research


KUHeS’ mission is; “to be an academic centre of excellence in the training of doctors and other health professionals in clinical service and medical research responsive to the health needs of Malawi and its neighbours in the southern African region”

To this end, the University has a research strategy which aims at contributing to the vision of Malawi Health Sector which is to achieve a state of health for all the people of Malawi that would enable them to lead a quality and productive life. 

KUHeS’ research aims at building critical mass of research experts in major research themes, maintaining a conducive research environment and networking with local and international research partners. 

The agenda focuses on health-related conditions which are listed in the Ministry of Health Essential Health Package (EHP), prioritizing areas in which KUHeS has local expertise and a network of research collaboration and ensuring the multidisciplinary research collaboration. The research areas that KUHeS has adequate strength are HIV, Malaria, Malnutrition, Tuberculosis, Adverse maternal and neonatal conditions and Health systems.  KUHeS also has research affiliates namely Malawi Liverpool Welcome Trust, John Hopkins Project, Malaria Alert Centre, Blantyre Malaria Project just to mention a few.

KUHeS’ Requirements on Research 

KUHeS requires that: 

  1. Reviewers provide independent decision from political, institutional, professional and market influences 
  2. All research conducted by its faculty meet these national and international ethical and scientific guidelines 
  3. The reviewers should take into account the interests and needs of the researchers and having due regard of the national regulatory agencies and applicable laws 
  4. Approvals should be granted before commencement of the study 
  5. Act in full interest of research participants or concerned communities.